Call Center Web App
September 2022 - November 2022
Lead Product Designer
Wells Fargo
Streamlining the Call Center Intake Process
Call Center Intake Form
Facing a significant increase in call volume, the WFIP technical support team recognized the need to modernize their workflow and technology to support callers and achieve new performance objectives.
The Challenge
Contact center representatives faced significant challenges in managing and efficiently processing incoming requests due to the reliance on manual handling and Excel spreadsheets.
This outdated approach led to decreased team productivity and operational inefficiencies, as tracking and handling requests became increasingly cumbersome.
A customized call center web application needed to be designed and developed for the WF international partners technical call center team to better serve callers as well as provide management and leadership an opportunity to analyze data and increase operational efficiency.

The excel sheet that the call center used to keep track of incoming calls and requests.
My Responsibilities
The Process and Methods
I planned and conducted interviews with the Wells Fargo International Partners Technical Call Center management at the start of the project. These stakeholder interviews yielded valuable insights into the current pain points and challenges faced by the team.
I also conducted contextual inquiries with customer service representatives (CSRs), providing an on-the-ground perspective of call volume, application usage, and individual workarounds.
I worked closely with the development team to plan and execute a design process that effectively aligned with the client's needs as well as the team's primarily waterfall approach.
The developer’s attempt at a “Mid-fidelity” prototype
The Solution
Streamline intake to make the call center more efficient.
Modernize and streamline the contact center caller intake request form by developing a cohesive and user-friendly interface. Implement a consistent layout featuring key elements such as text fields, toggles, and dropdowns. Organize related fields into logical groups and strategically use whitespace to enhance clarity and ease of use.
The Prototype
Developed an application enabling call center reps to capture caller information while simultaneously delivering requested technical information to relevant teams.
By using user-centered design methodologies, we were able to deliver a functional, scalable, application that exceeded the project's objectives.
Enhanced the team's ability to handle more calls per hour without needing additional staff.
Facilitating design workshops
User research and testing
Design system documentation
Interaction design, visual design, prototype and mockup creation
Usability Testing
After creating the interactive prototypes in Figma, it was time to test the design. I developed a test plan and coordinated with Call Center reps and management to conduct virtual testing with the team. I then conducted moderated usability tests with customer service representatives (CSRs), making notes during the session for later analysis and iteration.
Adjustments were made to the prototype to ensure that all team members were clear on the modifications to the original design.
Participants found the navigation of the form to be intuitive and user-friendly.They valued the ability to "tab" through and use keyboard shortcuts with ease.
Participants highlighted the helpfulness of highlighted fields and clear section breaks, which made it easy to follow the form's structure and understand the progression of steps.
Users commented on the form's clean design, which helped them to quickly understand and locate the necessary fields without feeling overwhelmed.